Tips That Will Help You And Your Truck Drivers Stay Safe During Coronavirus Pandemic

The trucking industry plays a huge role in keeping the residents of each country have food on the table, all the things that they need in order to survive, and even gas in their cars even if they are not using them. The amount of pressure that they have right now is unexplainable, so as truck owners, it is our duty to keep them safe throughout this pandemic.

In this blog, Pioneer Financial Services, the best Truck Loans Canada, financers, and truck insurance providers in Calgary, Canada, will list down tips that will help you keep your drivers safe throughout this coronavirus pandemic.

Tips That Will Help Truck Business Owners Keep Their Drivers Safe During This Coronavirus Pandemic

1.     Stay Away From Random People
Your truck driver will be travelling a lot when they are delivering goods or services of your customers, so the best thing that you can do is advise them to stay away from people that they don’t know or are not wearing any proper safety equipment.

2.     Wash Your Hands Frequently
Proper hygiene is one of the best ways to keep yourself away from the novel coronavirus. If you have access to clean water, you want to use soap and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. If not, you want to use a hand sanitizer that has at least 60 percent alcohol.

3.     Practice Social Distancing
Another tip that will help you and you're a truck driver from contracting the deadly disease is by following the most simple thing that health officials are telling us, and that is social distancing. When you’re working, you want to stay away from your co-worker by at least 1 to 3 meters.

4.     Take A Sick Leave If You Are Not Feeling Well
If you are showing any symptoms of the flu or coronavirus, you want to take sick leave and self-quarantine. Stay away from the people that you love and do your best to keep yourself healthy. Drink plenty of water and healthy food, but if your symptoms worsen, contact your local authorities and wait for their instruction.

Why Pioneer Financial Services?

Semi-Truck Loans Canada is the best truck loan, financer, and Truck Insurance Alberta provider in Calgary that can help you get through tough times during this coronavirus pandemic. To know more about how we can help you, contact us on the number below or send us an email!


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